Sunday, August 28, 2011

Press Blast: The New York Times

Exciting news! Our dress was on the second page of the Sunday New York Times in a Lord & Taylor ad :-)

I would have never found out about this ad if it weren't for a very determined customer that simply had to have this dress! It looks so pretty on the model, and I love how it's featured in an ad for the "New Bohemian."

It's incredible how loyal Lord & Taylor has been to the Single brand. Their amazing team of Buyers and Divisionals have remained so supportive through the good times and the bad, supporting Single Dress and the fact that we're proudly Made in USA. Lord & Taylor is truly and All American classic, elegant and original, with a classy team of amazing women. We are forever grateful for our wonderful relationship, a partnership between vendor and store that continues to grow and profit throughout the years that we've worked together as a team.

Thank you Lord & Taylor! The 5th Avenue store is truly one of a kind :-)

Click here to visit Lord & Taylor's amazing website.

Xo, G

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