Sunday, June 5, 2011

Major Love for Lord & Taylor

Throughout the years, I have been so grateful to have Lord & Taylor, one of America's most legendary shopping destinations, support both the Single dress line, as well as myself. The fact that the wonderful people at Lord & Taylor have nurtured my creative spirit as a designer means the world to me, as they are - in my mind - the most glamorous and All-American department store, period!

There is so much history behind the 5th Avenue building, and I love the American flags that wave from the exterior of the store. Did you know that Lord & Taylor is the oldest upscale, specialty-retail department store chain in the USA? The flagship store and headquarters (located on 5th Avenue in NYC) was designed by famous architectural firm Starrett & van Vleck, who became well known for their early 20th century New York City department store designs. The flagship 5th Avenue store opened in 1914, and was event named a NYC landmark in 2007! This all hits home to me, as I am so proud of the fact that Single dress is ultimately an incredibly patriotic brand, and Made in the USA! There is a responsibility to buy pieces that are made in the US, not only to support our economy, but to be conscious of the fact that by doing so we are keeping our citizens working.

Thanks for the love, Lord & Taylor. A kiss from everyone at Single dress!

Xo, G

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