Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Thoughts on John Galliano

Dear friends,

Due to the recent controversy surrounding John Galliano and his firing Christian Dior, I wanted to post my feelings about this issue. Galliano's vile and racist comments in a Paris restaurant were absolutely disgusting. It is so unfortunate that still, in today's day and age, someone like the "talented Mr. Galliano" can turn out to be such a disgusting excuse for a human being! See more in the CNN video below...

I am truly appalled - for him to say "I love Hitler," and comment to a couple sitting next to him that both they and their forefathers should be gassed and put to death... I am truly at a loss for words. I have been an admirer of his talents, but am no longer.

This is a sad day for the fashion world, and for the entire world. However, this man's true colors needed to be exposed, and now the world can see him for the repulsive person he truly is. It is a great day for the world of "social media" and the internet, when scum of the earth get exposed so quickly. Had there been internet in 1941, it's safe to say there would not be a Holocaust. The atrocities committed would have been immediately exposed!

Bravo to the power of the internet!
Wishing you all a wonderful and peaceful day.

Xo, G

Click here to watch the CNN video I mentioned above

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